I have been struggling with obesity since the age of 6. As I got older the same bad eating habits from childhood increased as did my weight. Not even recognizing what was happening to me because it became a way of life. I now think back and realize that without God I wouldn't have known how to stop even if I wanted to. Around my late twenties to early thirties, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. My doctor said it was due to obesity. I had never been diagnosed with anything due to my weight so it was at this point I desired help. One day while at work, the Lord spoke to me and said the devil had tricked into killing myself. I've heard of Weight Watchers but never had the desire to join until then. I went on the website and joined a couple of groups and then searched for a meeting day/area. I found one right in Vallejo where I lived. After that, the Lord also told me to stop putting impurities into my body and led me to being a vegetarian. Soon I was eating high fiber & low fat foods, soy and drinking Lipton's antioxidant green tea. Even no more fast food. Wow! What a difference, cholestrol blood pressure decreased. Energy increased and I lost 96 lbs.
I truly believe now that I'm more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. I'm not saying that the road to redemption is easy but it is possible.
I now have a group on Weight Watchers website called, "I'm More Than A Conqueror Through Christ Jesus" The Lord has blessed and there are not over 70 participants. We care, share and fellowship with each other. You can join the group by going to the Weight Watcher's website at www.weightwatcher.com and go to groups and search by name. Your story may not be a dramatic as mine, however, any type of struggle with weight can cause not only have physical impact, but also a mental one. But is here to help us with all situations, trials and tribulations if we allow him to. He did it for me and he can do it for you!
Now I would like to share a couple of tips that has helped me:
First of all, we need to stop with the quick fixes. I've heard of people starting these crazy fade diets where they lose 15+ lbs in a week. But then guess what? They gain it right back. You know why? The quicker you take it off, the quicker you put it right back on...a quik fix. I know how it feels to be desperate to lose weight but it takes patients. Patients is something we have to have in any thing we do. Don't rush it. Take it slow and watch the pounds come off and stay off. Here are a couple of suggestions to help you get started:
1) Promise to jet right pass those fast food stops, remember they are quik fixes that are loaded with preservatives that wants to make a permanent forever home around your belly. In the first three months of omitting fast food from my diet, I lost about 15 pounds and my cholestrol dropped from 140 to 120 then down to 100.
2) Get moving! Not taking about killing yourself at the gym about 2-3 hours. We're talking baby steps. 30 mins a day and if you're busy like me, break them up into 3 sets of 10minutes each. According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes is what you need per day to have a healthy heart.
3) Eat the Rainbow! Add color to your meals; onion, bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini, etc. All these veggies add vitamins, minerals macronutients that the body needs to function. You can't get these things eating fast food, cakes and potatoe chips (those quick fixes).
Hope these couple of suggestions help! We know that God gives the increase (as Paul speaks in 1Corinthians 3:5-7) and all He has to do is speak it, but we must still do our part and plant the seed of health in our bodies.
First of all, we need to stop with the quick fixes. I've heard of people starting these crazy fade diets where they lose 15+ lbs in a week. But then guess what? They gain it right back. You know why? The quicker you take it off, the quicker you put it right back on...a quik fix. I know how it feels to be desperate to lose weight but it takes patients. Patients is something we have to have in any thing we do. Don't rush it. Take it slow and watch the pounds come off and stay off. Here are a couple of suggestions to help you get started:
1) Promise to jet right pass those fast food stops, remember they are quik fixes that are loaded with preservatives that wants to make a permanent forever home around your belly. In the first three months of omitting fast food from my diet, I lost about 15 pounds and my cholestrol dropped from 140 to 120 then down to 100.
2) Get moving! Not taking about killing yourself at the gym about 2-3 hours. We're talking baby steps. 30 mins a day and if you're busy like me, break them up into 3 sets of 10minutes each. According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes is what you need per day to have a healthy heart.
3) Eat the Rainbow! Add color to your meals; onion, bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini, etc. All these veggies add vitamins, minerals macronutients that the body needs to function. You can't get these things eating fast food, cakes and potatoe chips (those quick fixes).
Hope these couple of suggestions help! We know that God gives the increase (as Paul speaks in 1Corinthians 3:5-7) and all He has to do is speak it, but we must still do our part and plant the seed of health in our bodies.
First of all, we need to stop with the quick fixes. I've heard of people starting these crazy fad diets where they lose 15+ lbs in a week. But then guess what? They gain it right back. You know why? The quicker you take it off, the quicker you put it right back on...a quik fix. I know how it feels to be desperate to lose weight but it takes patients. Patience is something we have to have in everything we do. Don't rush it. Take it slow and watch the pounds come off and stay off. Here are a couple of suggestions to help you get started:
1) Promise to jet right pass those fast food stops, remember they are quik fixes that are loaded with preservatives that wants to make a permanent forever home around your belly. In the first three months of omitting fast food from my diet, I lost about 15 pounds and my cholesterol dropped from 140 to 120 then down to 100.
2) Get moving! I'm not talking about killing yourself at the gym on 2-3 hour workouts. I'm saying start with baby steps. 30 mins a day and if you're busy like me, break them up into 3 sets of 10minutes each. According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes is what you need per day to have a healthy heart.
3) Eat the Rainbow! Add color to your meals; onions, bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini, etc. All of these veggies add vitamins, minerals, and macronutients that the body needs to function. You can't get these things eating fast food, cakes and potatoe chips (those quick fixes).
Hope these couple of suggestions help! We know that God gives the increase (as Paul speaks in 1Corinthians 3:5-7) and all He has to do is speak it, but we must still do our part and plant the seed of health in our bodies.